Don't be shy ... Knowing how to train, treat and love your "Blue Colored" Dog

According to celebrity dog trainer and pet expert Joel Silverman, one of the biggest misconceptions we have about our four legged family members is the thought that we can or should treat all dogs the same. To do so, however, doesn't take into account the animals personality. By taking the time to get to know your dog - and understand what type of dog they are at their core - you can better train and live with their distinct personality, as opposed to a one size fits all mentality.
When you have a Blue-Spectrum Dog, it's imperative to understand that you are dealing with a dog that is quite possibly shy, afraid or submissive — or even harboring a deep seeded fear that you may not know or understand. Some dog breeds are just naturally very afraid and shy, but more often a Blue-Spectrum personality will develop from circumstances, experiences and events that were not the fault of the dog.
All Blue-Spectrum Dogs are not created equal. If he is very shy and nervous he may live on the extreme side of the spectrum. However, you may have a Blue-Spectrum Dog that is a little bit more centered and not quite as shy. This puts your pup a little closer to a Green Dog. If you have an extremely Blue-Spectrum Dog, as with other personality colors, it is unlikely to remain an extremely Blue-Spectrum Dog. As you spend quality time with him, he will get over some issue and build confidence, warming his color to a moderate or mild blue on the color scope.
The early training of this dog is crucial, and a bit more challenging as well. To train a Blue-Spectrum Dog, you'll want to use beloved and nutritious training treats, as that will make his training experiences positive, reinforcing superb behavior, building trust and allowing him to gain a confident demeanor.
Finally, body language is key to training a Blue-Spectrum Dog. You'll want to do things that interest your best friend immensely - which may involve moving around, being more active, and in general, making yourself more available and interesting! To learn more, check out some of Joel Silverman's training tips!
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